Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Onion-Turnip

With "week 17" now underway, our little baby is about as big as an onion, and weighs roughly the same as a turnip, lol. Quite vegetable-stewish sounding! He or she is getting bony bones instead of cartilegeous ones, and even has his own unique fingerprints now! I think I felt him kick for the first time in church this morning, while we were LOUDLY singing "Up from the Grave He Arose!" Fitting, huh? I'm not sure that's what it was, of course, but it was a new feeling, one that made me stop and say "now WHAT was that!?" I've been feeling little flutters (against my bladder, heheh) for the past few days, and now I'm wondering if those were little baby saying "Hi, Mommy!" :) We can't wait to find out what to name you, little one-- cooperate on May 4th, ok? (our ultrasound date!) We're selling admission, so if you want a spot to get to be in on the first viewing of our baby, let me know...

1 comment:

Annie Brainard said...

I think the early "kicks" feel like a little finger tapping inside. Most people describe it as butterflies or flutters, but I think it's more light soft tapping.