Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Just two days ago I tried to diagram words to help them make sense to me... I know that might sound weird, but I am quite a visual person for all my auditory skills.  Anyway, the result was pretty cool (at least in my mind)... maybe someday I'll post it here.  I'm sure SOMEONE else out there has used word/idea-webs or graphic organizers to study or explain something... 

I just was reminded that this isn't a "new idea" with me-- I found this, which I did I believe my junior year of high school... maybe my senior year-- whenever I read CJ Maheney's The Cross-Centered Life for the first time, and had my world re-rocked.  I'd forgotten about this diagram, though-- just came across it now that I have most of my old files back from my resurrected PowerBook...  thank you again, Heath!! :)

Just thought I'd share!

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