Monday, November 10, 2008

Good Perspective, Good Strategy

This article (thanks again, Matt) is really encouraging. I have often found it helpful to compare the fight for equal rights for the unborn to the fight for equal rights for the un-white. When you put it in those terms, you can see how horrifically surface-deep the distinction between "baby" and "fetus" are-- merely one of location, just as the other is merely one of melanin. All those with human DNA carry on them the very imprint of God-- we are ALL Image-Bearers, made to reflect His glory, made to rejoice in knowing Him... whatever variation of brown we are, or whatever age (days, weeks, months, years) we are. This article takes another angle with that view, one I find very encouraging, and one I will be praying towards. While of course we can and should be praying for legislation to be enacted (like the ending of slavery) or repealed (like segregation or "Jim Crow" laws), there is a much bigger picture that needs to be seen, and fought. Read it and tell me what you think, all of you who want to end the "tragedy" of abortion. Especially by mothers who are un-informed, misguided or even deliberately deceived.

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