Three weeks to go and counting... Éowyn's nursery is comin' along! It's so fun to get things ready and take pictures of it all. I know I am so privileged to get to have so many sweet things for her, and to have a whole room to dedicate to her! (and all our future kids... and all our houseguests... but seeing as how they aren't here now... it's for her)

From I will be a healer, and love all things that grow |
One of the shelves - a Goodwill find- Ryan helped me hang. I'm still figuring out what to put on it, as you can see. :)

Our IKEA purchase, their very cool Expedit shelf system, with bins we bought at Target. I think I need to buy one or two more. :) I love how versatile they make the unit-- either shelves for stackables (like her sizeable board book library) or drawers for pileables (for now, her shoes, hats/bibs/pacis, crib bedding, soft toys and her cloth diapers).

I love this picture of Ryan & his brother Greg with they were little tykes. Greg's about 4 and Ryan is 2 1/2. They are so cute, and the colors match so well. I went on a framing spree the other day and this was one that finally got hung. :)

Sailboats designed & sewed by Tia Nicole, to match her crib quilt and everything in her room.

Quilt (for comparison)

Close-up of one of the sailboats. Who needs Pottery Barn Kids with a craftsy aunt on the go?

My great-grandmother had this shelf in her nursing home... it needed a little love, so my sister & I disassembled it, painted it, and put it back together. I think we'll put her crib under this. The Raggedy Ann & Andy were mine when I was little, made by my grandma Mama Lulu, the sewing Queen. (I distinctly remember how Andy's hand tasted...)

A goodwill find, painted by the craftsy Tia Nicole. It looked pretty sad there between coats (I think we used the word "craptastic," truth be told), but it pulled through just great! I'm working on letters of her name to hang on the top hangers.

My dad's parents, Daddy Ron & Mama Peggy, came by on Saturday, took us out to my favorite restaurant (PF Chang's), and bought Éowyn her carseat! Hooray! Now we can bring her home from the hospital when she comes! :)

Daddy putting together the car-seat canopy. We later installed it in our car and now look like a family-mobile, complete with baby sunshade and toy rack over the car-seat (all given to us by friends from my school).
Things are lookin' more & more like BABY LAND around here! I also just racked up at a local (massive) consignment sale, Little Treasures, and got a pack & play ($18), a stroller that works with our carseat ($25), and, my personal favorite: a glider with a footstool, that is super-comfy and will be PERFECT for nursing (a whopping $65). Ryan's picking it up with the truck right now or I'd post pictures of it... the stroller is currently dismantled and drying outside. I scrubbed and cleaned it so it will be good as new for our little one.

Éowyn is growing like a little melon. I'm right on target for belly height (width? girth?) and weight gain. I haven't had any swelling or alarming signs of anything. I do have contractions, and last night I think Eowyn took up soccer... I was up for 2 hours refereeing that match, lol. She has long legs, I can already tell. My midwife told me which parts were which, and sometimes she braces her feet on one side of my belly and her bum on the other, and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s... and it's quite impressive! My belly looks like a hot-dog when she does that. :) Many of my maternity clothes don't totally cover my stomach if I move wrong... good thing I only need to fit into them a little longer! Sleeping can be such an elusive privelege these days, between backaches, contractions, and tai-kwon-do going on within my womb. I'm glad it's only a little longer... and glad I do have a little longer to go, both for my sake (getting stuff ready) and for my co-teachers' sakes. They say I'm not allowed to give birth until I've put in my full two weeks, so they feel adequately trained. :) I'd love to get 2 full weeks in with them, and with the precious little ones I met at our class picnic on Tuesday.
Random new symptom: shortness of breath at the oddest moments. I'll just be standing there, and all of a sudden I'm huffing and puffing like I charged up 4 flights of stairs!
Eagerly awaiting,
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