Monday, February 23, 2009

Currently reading...

- The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick (interesting for sure-- our book club selection; I'll be sure to keep you posted on this one. Basically it assumes that the Nazis & Japanese won WW2, and goes from there.)
- The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth, Henci Goer (very helpful & HIGHLY reccomended for all you moms, grandmoms, or moms-to-be!)
- Spiritual Midwifery, Ina May Gaskin (a little "out there" mystically-- obviously influenced by Zen Bhuddism-- but not to the point of discrediting the medical aspects, and the overwhelming evidence in her favor that her methods work: over the past 30 years she's delivered 2,028 babies at home, with a total of 8 infant mortalities including fatal anomalies (no maternal deaths), with only 5% of the births needing any transport to a hospital, and only 1.95% needing any intervention, i.e. Cesarean, forceps or vacuum extraction. Oh, and NO pain meds needed, not even in the breeches or big babies she delivered...obviously for the Cesarean they had to.)
- What to Expect When You're Expecting, Arlene Eisenburg, Heidi E. Murkoff, and Sandee E. Hathaway & its accompanying Eating Well When You're Expecting, Heidi Murkoff --this I just refer to occasionally, because it is rather TMI and I'm not a worry-er anyway.
- Because He Loves Me, Elyse Fitzpatrick ...AMAZING. I think I could give it to EVERYONE I know!!!
Just finished: The Maker's Diet, Dr. Jordan Rubin --very helpful. I couldn't stick to the diet for too long pregnant, though, because of how incredibly hungry I am-- we just can't afford for me to always fill up on proteins and fruit, especially with my dietary restrictions, and food aversions these days. But it was great while it lasted, and highly recommended to everyone! (even skeptics feel they should give Rubin's work some credit)
The Tale of Despereaux, Kate DiCamillo
Crispin: the Cross of Lead, Avi (yes, those last two are children's books-- Newberry Award Winners, to be precise)
On request at the library: Baby Bargains

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