Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Mishmash post from Louisville, KY

For reasons unbeknownst to me, Louisville HotSpot (the community connection I'm on) blocks xanga, but not e-blogger...thence the switch. We'll see if I can manage it.

As many of you probably know, I’m in Louisville, KY for the summer (until August 14th, when I’ll have to be back in G’ville for student teaching!!)... Still not sure quite what I’ll be doing, but that’s why it’s going to be an adventure! =D I felt I’d been boring for far too long. I haven’t done any real exploring since Argentina in 2003!! No— that’s only half of why I’m here. Another thing I haven’t had much of since my stay in the Southern Hemisphere is thinking time. School (especially with overloading every term for the past 2 years) has been rather...taxing, and the summers have been taken up with stressful jobs each year. So I’m here, and so far, I definitely have had a fair share of both adventure AND down-time!

I've been wiped all day...all week... it's either the heat or something I've eaten or difficulty adjusting to sleeping in a new place, but I am really really zonked these days! I hope I can adjust soon. It's hard to stay motivated otherwise. Anyway, this is going to be quite a short post, mainly to see if this works. I practically have to hang out my window to get connection in the apartment, and this is the ONLY time of the day when we get more-or-less direct sunlight in the front window, so I'm really sweatin' (thanks a lot, Lori B., for wishing such a fate on me)! I'm not sure I can even manage the switch to this host, but I don't fancy paying $3 for a latte or something every time I want to post online! Although that little coffee shop 'round the corner sure is cute...

I should probably avoid all forms of coffee for a little while, anyway. Sina about killed me last night, with an (albeit wonderfully delicious and refreshing) iced mocha that was highly caffeinated. They didn't think I would notice if they didn't tell me... I wasn't so wired as I have been before, though... I'm looking forward to church tonight. Last time I went to Wed. night prayer meeting, I didn't know how to get there (and so finally arrived 20 minutes late), and felt highly agoraphobic and had to leave halfway through, to go sit in a more secure-feeling corner of the balcony! It's funny now, but it wasn't so funny then...

These are funny, though:

My roommate & I at the highly illustrious establishment, Dairy-Dell. [I call that Ashlea's demon-child face.] That's Ryan in the background.

And here are 3 of "the guys" here. Ryan, Rob, and Warren-- they were obsessed with being manly that night...even asked ME what the manliest thing I'd ever done was... You know what, though? Warren is the head of the deacon board at Immanuel-- all their church officers are quite young (except for Herman Vanderpool, who at 64 throws the average off). Dave Shuey was the youngest elder ever instated at Grace, and is now the OLDEST elder at Immanuel! It made me start wondering why we don't ever consider appointing younger church officers. Maybe if it was more expected, they'd treat their Faith and their God a little less flippantly?

Pictured below is the coating I ate [the bubblegum one]:
Yumm!, ay?

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