Sunday, May 02, 2010

Tracy's Wedding

Friday, April 23rd; Clark & Tracy's Wedding

I've known Tracy quite a while; we've gone to church together most of our lives, but Tracy is quiet and a year or so older than I am, so I don't remember interacting with her much until high school. In the midst of that she was diagnosed with bone cancer in her knee, and began a long battle against it that lasted through college and is finally in remission! Tracy's now a nurse and quite a trooper!! Anyway it was such a joy to be at her wedding and see her happily married to a man who- by all accounts- treats her like the precious treasure that she is!

The ceremony was held at a mansion in old Greenville, which I didn't even know existed! It was the perfect day for it; sunny, windy enough to make the streamers and her veil stream out behind her, but not so windy as to be a real nuisance. I thought Pastor Bob's message was quite good-- it spoke to me in my marriage when he mentioned dying to self for the sake of the other person, as Christ did for the Father, saying "not my will but YOURS be done." He brought out the aspects of imitating Christ for both roles; the husband as Christ loving & leading the Church, the wife submitting as Christ does to the Father. And I really liked how Clark & Tracy read their own Scripture as part of the ceremony. It was really beautifully decorated, too, all yellow, green and white, and Eowyn LOVED the hanging balls & giant paper flowers!!

Since I didn't have dress shoes for her, I painted her tiny toenails! Soooo adorable. I love having a girl.
GB entertaining Eowyn during the ceremony... or was it the other way around?
Here comes the bride!!
Who's dat cuteness?
Talking to GB about her Sophie
I now present to you for the first time, Mr & Mrs Clark D!
Ryan's girls, pretty in green. I think for the rest of my life I'm going to have to live in the shadow of an insanely cute daughter.
Clark, Tracy, Eowyn & me
Wowed by all the sparklers

Thanks for a wonderful party!

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