Sunday, February 25, 2018

Rest and Refresh

For Christmas my dear friend gave me an uncommon rarity:  a book I'd never heard of.  :) It was the set of books "Refresh" and "Reset" by husband & wife Pastor David Murray & Dr. Shona Murray.  I looked at the back and refrained from rolling my eyes... ANOTHER book about grace?  Well, ok, fine, my friend gave it to me, I'll give it a try...


As some of you may know from my past blog entry on postpartum rest, I have been realizing that our culture desperately needs to remember the meaning of rest.  And **I** need to remember and incorporate rest in my own life.  I've said before that if I ever write one book it will probably be on recapturing the Sabbath in today's rest-less culture... well... that clearly is NOT my life mission because David & Shona Murray have already done it!!

The books are very similar in content & style but are aimed at women & men respectively.  I've found Refresh to be encouraging, practical, insightful, theologically astute, and so so so needed.  If you are a go-getter type person, someone who feels overwhelmed, or you love someone who is either of those... read this book.  Actually probably everyone should just read it. :) . I won't say more because... well... that would defeat the point of telling you to read the book!!

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