Language Arts- Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (last few lessons), then will use real books & readers for reading practice (Bob books sets 3 & 4, Dick & Jane (these are soooo funny to Eowyn, and I find the illustrations to be very attractive! Way nicer looking than the Bob books, IMO)
books, and level 1 & 2 readers from the library), and will start...
First Language Lessons Level 1 for English grammar. She has started LOVING read-aloud chapter books now. I have a bunch I hope to read, some tying in to history, others just fun. Among them are The Little House Books (we're mid-way through Little House in the Big Woods), The Never Girls series (we're on Book 2), Captive Treasure, The House at Pooh Corner, Now We Are Six, and Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. We might start The Chronicles of Narnia or Prydain, we'll see. We also are going through all the nursery rhymes along with Liam & Levi.
Ready for her first day of K5 |
Spanish - we're doing a weekly little co-op with a friend who has littles the same ages as Eowyn & Liam. So fun! This will tie in especially with our geography & culture when we get to our Argentina units (see below).
Classical Conversations-- we attend this co-op for 3 hours once a week (for us it's Mondays which is perfect!). Each week we have "grammar" (basically the building block-nuts-and-bolts of any subject) to memorize: Latin words, the next chunk of the history timeline (same as last year), a history sentence, set of geography facts, a science question, and a portion of John 1 in Latin. We also do an art project together. Liam gets in on the school action and goes to his "cyass" with his beloved Mrs. Tina and a new teacher, Ms. Jasmine. She came up today when I read the word "jasmine" aloud to Eowyn... he is always listening!! Anyway I love CC because they are so chill despite being thorough and well thought-out, and have so many songs to help the facts "stick"! And the fact that it's a three-year cycle so the kids will get all the material a second time by 4th grade, and we can build on it. (spiraling is a great teaching technique!)
History-- (with our friend) following CC Cycle 3 loosely, so covering US History starting before Columbus. We are using the American Girls books (as read-alouds) especially "Felicity" and "Kirsten" a LOT as these tie in perfectly with E's interests, listening level and all the fun extras (paper dolls, crafts, recipes, movies etc.). My sister & I racked up finding the books for about $2 apiece at consignment sales, and the library also has them all. We have historical paper dolls-- this series, from the Pilgrims through the Civil War, (thank you, Tia Nicole)-- and I'm excited about how studying the Native Americans, Pilgrims & Colonists will coincide well with Thanksgiving. :) Of course my childhood favorite Little House on the Prairie series ties in excellently.
Science-- following CC Cycle 3 loosely, so learning about the human body first, then basic physics (parts of atoms etc). We are using The Magic Schoolbus: A Journey into the Human Body Experiment Kit (which she loves! Seriously, the look on her face when she "gets it" has been worth the "price" of homeschooling already. I am so glad I got to be the one to see that!!), and various books on each topic from the library. I have Reader's Digest's The ABCs of the Human Body as a resource for all the topics too. [Any ideas & resources for the physics aspect would be great; I haven't planned that far ahead!]
PE- she's taking gymnastics for 2 months (thanks to Livingsocial) and if she likes that can continue, otherwise she can go back to ballet/tap (I think she'll go for that).
Bible- we are going through the life of Moses (so Exodus- Deuteronomy) in BSF and I'm doing the Home Study sheets with her (and the boys, who are mostly oblivious, though Liam did have a great retelling of Moses' escape down "da deep wata" from wicked Pharaoh as a baby... on a surf board.) during breakfast or lunch. I HOPE to get back to catechism somehow, someday this year, maybe using these books as an aid. We also read Wisdom & the Millers periodically and this is a hit.
about to go in to CC on our first day (Lil Bro is trying to show "5" like sis) |
General- I have found the "What Your __ Needs to Know" series to be VERY helpful. You could really use this as a curriculum base and just supplement a writing/how-to-read and math curriculum. I am finding it very helpful to just have in the car for whenever we have down time & need to read something (there are so many interesting things in there, stories, poems, history, science, etc.). I'm especially using What Your 1st Grader Needs to Know for Geography & History this year.
How it Works... (-ish =D)
We spend about 1 hour each morning on "school," total, and on Mondays and Fridays don't do anything beyond our co-ops. Afternoons are taken up by lunch, outside play and nap time (every day for boys, every other day for E) or rest time (she picks a type of toy and plays with it quietly while L naps. Options include reading, books on tape, drawing/coloring, playing with blocks, figurines, Barbies, doll or any bin of toys from our "toy library.")
oh wait, this isn't actually school |
Well, that's what I've mapped out for the year and we'll see how it goes! Any suggestions or comments are welcome!