Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Victims of Porn

There is little I hate more than pornography. 

I hate what it does to marriages, to men who look at it, to their wives and to their children. 

I hate how it takes unwitting little children from innocent to never-able-to-get-those-images-out-of-my-head in a matter of seconds.  Just like that, a piece of their innocence is irritrivably stolen, all because they picked up a magazine or clicked a computer link.

I hate what it does to the Kingdom of God.  One of my pastors once described counseling godly young men who should be out on the mission field but can't be, because they can't stop looking at porn.  That made me cry and cry and cry.

I hate how it is so pervasive in our culture, almost ok.  It's even worse in Europe, where ads with half-clad women are on billboards everywhere, and "Porn Sex" shop signs brazenly line the streets like badges of honor.  Talking to acquaintances, their basic assesment was that "as long as it's between two consenting adults," it's ok.  Porn, adultery, prostitution, it's all "ok."  I hate how hardened the porn industry has made us to the evil of infidelity and fornication.  Of course they're not ok! They hurt everyone involved!!  "Consenting"?  What does that even mean?  How do you know what the parties involved actually want?

Now, after a blog I follow linked to this site, of a stripper/hardcore star whom the Lord saved, I hate pornography also for what it does to the women whose pictures trigger such lust.  I never stopped to think about it.  I never knew.  But it makes sense, of course.  The very fact that the women are on display indicates that they are utterly devalued.  Why wouldn't they be treated as such?

My heart grieves for them, for the women in my neighborhood, in my city, in my state who know no other lifestyle, for their parents and their children.  Lord, send Your Servants to love them and save them all!  Place those lonely ones into families, as Your Word promises.  And please crush Your Enemy who delights in these evils beneath Your feet.  Even so, Lord Jesus, quickly come.  Amen.


  1. I'm with you, Christina! Last year Tim Challies wrote a blog series about the devastating effects of porn - it was excellent! It will soon be out in book form, but it can also be read at this link:

  2. Christina, are you familiar with I have a friend who works for that organization and it seems to do an incredible job helping people break their addictions to porn. This is a topic that is definitely not discussed enough in Christian circles! Even more disturbing to me is sex trafficking of minors: children are lured into the prostitution system and then treated like criminals if they are "caught." So terrible!
