Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Speedy Entry from Rome

Well... I answered several other emails and googled gluten free stuff and read emails and deleted all my spam and now i'm out of time! I like Rome better than I thought I would for sure! Can't hate anything with this much ancient history!

Fellowship's been roommate in Rome is a fellow Singer, Kira, and we have great times together. We're like middle schoolers at a sleepover some nights. We've had really good talks, too. Pray that I can encourage her in Christ!

God's being very faithful to me...and can I just say that I have the sweetest boyfriend in the world? How is it that he can be so PRESENT when he's not even here? Seriously, he's in just about every memory...because I guess I just bring him along. =D SUCH A blessing...and I smile way too big whenever I think about him or tell anyone about him. God gets lots of glory for one Ryan Szrama!

I'm off to class!
More later

--Picture Edit:--

Me hugging the Colosseum...

Eeirily resemblant...

Newby & Maryann Gladiating to the Death

David ("Prentiss") & I on top of Palatine Hill-- the birthplace of Rome


  1. The feeling is quite mutual, my darling. ^_^

  2. Sister, I can completely relate. When my boyfriend and I were first talking, not even in an official relationship just yet, I spent two weeks in Istanbul, Turkey. To this day, just about every memory I have from Istanbul includes him! The Lord was working heavily on my heart while I was away, and really used my time there to prepare me for what was in store when I returned home. Thanks for sharing, and I'm continuing to think of and pray for you!

    Grace and peace~

  3. Wow, that is so cool/weird to see pictures of you at places I've been to as well! It looks like you guys are all having a lot of fun. Furman is the same old Furman, although there has been a bit of controversy lately about a drag queen show coming to campus...more on that later. =)

    Actually, I have LOTS of stories to tell you. Do call me when you get back. I've been praying for you, my friend!

  4. keep the pics coming! A picture is worth a thousand words.

    amy d.
