Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Precariously Perched

My hand's starting to cramp from how I'm having to balance-- both myself on the verfy edge of Davis' bed, and the laptop in one hand, so I can get a very faint mysterious "default" wireless signal. Typing's really slow, so I'm just downloading everything and will answer emails offline, type up a blog post, and then do the old cut-and-paste...

Pics are easy to upload, though. Today was a wonderful, Daisy-Day...I'll let the pictures explain. Some of these are older-- I'm getting tired of pictures of dead peoples' tombs, so here are some from our group:

Kira, our official photographer, and my roommate here in Roma =D

Dr. O'Rourke, our Rhetoric prof (who reminds me of Don Donell)

Today I had a LOVELY day, making daisy crowns under a wind-swept-clear blue Roman sky, my mind quite away from the Ostian ruins, and quite joyful in it. =D

Carolyn ("Caro" "the other C-Thompson"), my little sis for the trip, and my daisy-chain buddy. We had sweet fellowship, great talks, and closed the day listening to Nickel Creek & Florez on the bus ride home.

I traded a daisy chain-crown for a non-ball-point pen from Will. He liked it =D

(ps the trade was HIS idea)

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