Monday, February 19, 2007

Goofin' Around Rome...

Sometimes when the days get long, you just got to cut up a little...

Blue Ice Gelato is just THAT GOOD

(my cousin Adriana recommended it, and she didn't lead us wrong! at least, so I hear. It isn't gluten-free, so I didn't get to partake. But I got a kick out of THEM! =D)

Sacrificing RJ at the Ara Pacis...the cost of peace, people...

[the Altar of Peace Caesar Augustus built to commemorate & thank the gods for his victories in Gaul & Hispania (France & Spain)]

Me goin' tete-a-tete with ol' Julius...

As if Romulus (founder of Rome) & Remus weren't scary enough... you would'v been frightened by the She-Wolf, too.

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