Saturday, January 08, 2011

New Years Resolves

I grew up doing these, and always feel like I'm missing out on a great opportunity if I let a new year slip by without some purposed changes coming along.  So... here I go making these public, now that I've had a week to let them stew, and to talk to Ryan about them...

1. Spiritual-  read through the Bible using the Plan for Shirkers & Slackers (explained a bit here).  My buddy Val is teaming up with me on this one all the way from Toronto! Ryan & I are reading through Moments With You, a couple's devotional by Dennis & Barbara Rainey, every night together. So far we've made it a week straight and are enjoying it and finding it helpful!! :) (thanks for the wedding gift, Uncle Jeff & Aunt Karen!)
2. Spiritual- keep more of a liturgical year by celebrating Advent & Lent both personally and as a family, as well as the 12 Days of Christmas (between Christmas Eve & Epiphany/Three Kings Day)
3. Physical- exercise at least 4 days a week (using DVDs, gardening & walking, and that new iPod insert for my shoe Ryan gave me for Christmas), with the goal of running a 10-mile or half-marathon race this summer
4. Physical- continue to cook seasonally, with an expanded garden grown from seeds this summer (the "from seeds" part is what really freaks me out), and canning/preserving as much as I can
5. Intellectual- keep on reading, reviewing one book per week on my children's book review blog.
6. Intellectual- keep on blogging, streamlining my blog to reflect my passion for equipping others to fully use the brains God has given us by thinking critically about what we eat, read, and do.


What about you?  Have you done any formal (or informal) resolves for this year?

1 comment:

  1. do you have any workout DVDs that you would recommend? with as cold as it is, i don't want to take claire outside for walks.

    my goals?

    1. sort/purge and organize our entire house. this MUST be completed before we have a second baby! (no, not pregnant)

    2. educate myself on nutrition and make some significant changes to our at-home diet

    3. be more consistent with reading scripture. eric and i adopted a new plan of reading. we will be reading one OT and one NT book each month, taking notes, discussing, and reading commentaries as we feel so inclined. removing the pressures of a required daily reading and reducing the load makes it realistic for us.
