Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Guardians of the Vulnerable-- in three links

My esteemed fellow Hutchmooter, S. D. Smith, has posted 3 posts on his blog recently that sort of tie together.  Two are interviews with Greg Lucas, author of Wrestling with an Angel, whose blog I've mentioned here before. One teaser, then I'm done and you should go read the interview:  Greg & his wife are actively caring for the vulnerable, and it is transforming them.  As S. D. Smith put it,
 "He and his wife, Kim, have a household where art is on display. It is a gallery of love, with portraits of mercy and sculptures of grace filling every space." 
Read  Part 1 and Part 2.

The third post is actually a movie review...a kid's movie about warrior owls.  Sound like a perfect date night?  Well, it might!  The movie sounds amazing to a fantasy nut like me, and every review I've read is glowing.  It sounds like this movie goes beyond cool effects and a good storyline.  It has Echoes of The Story all over it, about the strong laying down their lives for the weak; about mockable faith turning to glorious sight; about treasuring the weak things of the world instead of boasting in the strong. Yeah.  I think I'm gonna have to go see that one.

1 comment:

  1. I've got a copy of Wrestling with an Angel if you want to read it :)

    One word review: a.maz.ing.

    Kathy D.
