Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Real Bath

I like this robe, but I'm not sure about the bath, Mom.

Hooray! I don't smell like spit-up anymore!

I can't get over how different she looks every day-- well, I notice it about every 3 days. I think it's her cheeks; they just keep getting bigger! Today when I was changing her diaper, I couldn't believe the rolls she's acheiving on her thighs, too. I definitely didn't have those when I was a baby-- I'm guessing that's Ryan's doing. :)
Actually, I think she's going through a growth spurt; yesterday and all night she wanted to eat every two hours, as opposed to her usual 3-4 hours... which meant I got about 1 hour of sleep between each feeding. Oh, well. She's sure a keeper, though!


  1. wow... she really has grown! or at least I really notice it in the last picture. She's adorable Christina... and she really is a mix!!!

    Isn't that the greatest smell... fresh, clean, dry, baby. ahhh. I could just eat Jillian up everytime I bath her. She's about due for another. :)

  2. Thigh rolls? Heh, you're going to give this kid an image problem before it even knows what self image is!

  3. Of course not, Greg-- she's gonna be as proud of her flab as I am! (I feel personally successful every time I notice accumulated chunk-- it means my night job as a milk cow is working out)

  4. Just a note for posterity. Ryan was the only infant I have ever seen that had cut abs. And I wouldn't think of oneself as
    "Elsie" more as being on a special diet plan.

  5. I love the last picture... she's starting to look a little insane, just like her daddy.

  6. She is sooo adorable! Enjoy her babyhood...and all those cute little fat rolls :)


  7. And what's with those eyes in the third picture (b&w)...

  8. I think she has my brow furrow. : )
