Thursday, June 25, 2009

That's My Sister!

My sister Nicole is about to graduate from Winthrop with a degree in Special Education, emphasis EBD (emotional behavioral disorders). She's a wonderful teacher to anybody, but especially shines when it comes to kids most people dread talking to. She really displays the love of Christ to the least of these... and our home-town newspaper recognized that and did an article on her! Way to go, Nicolita! :) I love how they mentioned that she considered a degree in mechanical engineering (she's quite the math whiz), which is a higher-paying field and one most people think more highly of. She's such a talented kid, which is precisely WHY she is such a wonderful teacher.


  1. May the Lord bless you Nicole as you serve Him with this education. Congrats!

  2. Yeah Nicole! She will be a wonderful addition to the special needs community :) Those kids will be blessed to have her help!

