Tuesday, May 05, 2009


...Baby GIRL Szrama!

We had the privilege of seeing her kick and turn and move all over my uterus yesterday afternoon, and everything looks perfect! She's active, right on target size-wise, with all 10 toes (I couldn't count fingers, but I saw two little fists clenching and unclenching!!) It was amazing that they could go right down and see her diaphragm, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, spine and each little rib. My favorite was seeing each ventricle of her heart contract and relax. It was awesome! She's already inheriting her mommy's low resting heart rate, I guess-- for all that activity she gave us, it was still 145 bpm.

I'll somehow get the pictures on here for you adoring fans. Her little profile is precious, and I was shocked at how much she looks like baby pictures of myself- the way she pooches out her little lips, and the shape of her nose and chin. Crazy! I'm still praying she gets her daddy's curls- lots of them. I was bald until about 18 months... so... yeah. As far as names go, we're quite undecided. Now Ryan HAS to start thinking of girl names for real, lol. I'm requesting lots of baby name books from the library... my middle school boys recommended Spencer, Bertha, and Faith Joy. Hmmmm....

Everything looks on track for a September baby. The due date window is Sept 17th-26th, so maybe I'll get my birthday buddy after all (Sept. 28th). We went to Outback (Ryan, his buddy Rob, and my father-in-law Bill) to celebrate baby's first picture, and then the guys were good sports and trailed me to Babies R Us, where I registered for a few (pre-selected!! We were very quick in there!) items. The rest is at Wal-Mart or various online vendors...and so much we have already been given!! Daddy's job is setting up our own registry page at szramaclan.com... stay tuned!

We're having a baby girl, WOOOHOOO!!


  1. Congratulations Christina!!! Now Kaydence will have a playmate. Who knows maybe Amy will get on board and have a girl too, then it can be a three-some! Have fun picking out names. It's harder than it seems! Glad everything is going well! Let me know about baby showers, who knows maybe I can set up a road trip with some other girls!

  2. I thought it was a boy! Oh, well ... I'm glad I didn't make any bets. Girls are more fun to dress anyway! :o) Congrats!

  3. Congratulations! You must be so excited. I have always loved the name "Grace" for a girl. Just my two cents. :-)

  4. How exciting! Can't wait to see the pictures!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS, Christina!!!!!! I can't wait to see, and eventually meet, baby girl Szrama!

  6. Christina... I can't tell you how i've often I've been checking your blog to get this news! YEAH!!!!!! From you description... she's soundling quite like you! :) HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!! I understand the name thing, although we're not sure we're having a girl yet... but if it is a girl... we'll be in trouble... I think we've got our names narrowed down to two... I think. But it IS hard.

    hugs and kisses for Little girly... and for you! Give my big congrats to Ryan as well! Happy girl shopping! :)

  7. Thanks, guys! Ashley, we thought it was a boy, too... although I really had no "feeling" either way-- I just sort of hoped it would be a little boy, and since the heartrate was/is slow and I was/am carrying low, it seemed plausible.

    And Kira, I LOVE "Grace" but with our last name, it sounds like "Grey," so... it's a no-go. I really wanted it for a middle name. :(
