Sunday, September 07, 2008

Belated Anniversary Pics

Celebration Numero Uno

These are a few from when my Mom was here the week before our anniversary. We made zucchini-feta gratin (always a favorite), fresh rabanitos (radish salsa, family recipe!) w/ corn chips, and the piece de resistance, a Chardonnay sur Lies, from the Biltmore Estates, Mom's anniversary gift to us. We got a kick of drinking wine out of my old prom glasses. Whoda thunk they'd ever gotten any use out of them!? (good thing I remembered I even had them!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eowyn's Heir

    thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. and i'm sorry for the looong delay in replying--i was out of the country for nearly a month and only just now getting down to the emails!

    I am more than happy to point you in a direction to help with getting published/share what I've learned. For what it's worth.

    What I recommend for writers (published or unpublished) is first of all to join the Society of Children's Book Writer's and Illustrators. It's not expensive to join and they send out a whole package of information when you sign up.

    here's the site:

    They also have a conference twice a year in the states (feb and August--new york and LA)

    The materials they send out address all the questions you might have--how to go about finding a publisher, agent, how to write a query letter, who is looking for what, etc. It's really a great deal. They also have local chapters where you can meet other writers and visiting speakers (like agents, editors, illustrators, etc.). That's a fantastic opportunity to start to get to know the editors.

    the other thing is check out bookstores and see what is being published that you like and you think your book would be similar to. and target those publishers. and take a note of the format, number of pages, etc.

    Hope that's a help to you. And all the best with your story!

