Saturday, December 01, 2007

So Proud!!

Let me just say that Grandma P was right: "Dress rehearsals are terrible, and the concerts are great." And as Ryan's Mom said, "Dress rehearsals don't count!!" My kids-- ALL of them-- made me so proud.

I called my Mom right after the concert, and told her how things went; how, as one mom put it "it sounded like we'd practiced all night!", and she said-- "Isn't that an answer to prayer!? That God would get the glory and the praise for everything turning out all right?" Amen! Despite everything, the concert went well, and the Lord was lifted up.

Ryan bought me a beautiful purple-and-white rose bouquet in honor of my first concert to conduct. "They're Furman colors," he said. That made me smile. :)

My Pre-Schoolers coming in as lambs-- SO CUTE!!

"The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay..."

They said Luke 2:1-7 so adorably, Alexis particularly expressively, and then they sang "Away in a Manger right on key and all together." One of my girls was quite distraught, though, because I forgot to have them bow at the end, which we had rehearsed... Can you tell she keeps me on my toes? ;D

The 7th-8th Grade Choir, performing the song I was most concerned about... beautifully. Their Latin was understandable, they carried the tune (a Gregorian plainchant) well... the only thing they could have done better would be to sing OUT! They were hardly heard in the back row... May our success give them confidence, and breed more success! Next year, the lights will be dimmed so the candles can be better seen!

My 5th-6th graders, doing their best and doing it well, as usual. And don't my boys look SHARP with their ties!? (notice Nick as well, in the blue-- he accompanied us on one song with his guitar, as did the last boy on the row... and both of them are on my list of most-helpful students now!!! Way to go, Nick & Louis!)

My lovely accompanist, Kara W. (she goes to Immanuel, and helped us on our "Labor Day")

Our last song, performed as a large choir... it could have been disastrous, but it went ok. Not the best on the program, but not half bad, either. =D I was one happy teacher as I went home.

And I was thanking God for His mercy, and His strength.

I have no idea how I'm going to pick any 4 Choristers of the Concert (1 boy, 1 girl from each choir). So many of them just did outstanding jobs.

Off to bed with me; we've got a houseful of company coming over tomorrow... still not sure where everyone will fit, but you know, you just do the best you can with what you have! I'll be using my breadmaker and crock pot (think: vegetarian chili!) tomorrow morning. I love those appliances...
~ Christina
PS- updates on Thanksgiving are ...well... up! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations!!!!!! Go CHRISTINA!!!!! I'm sure that Ryan is your number one fan!!!... good job. Who would have thunk that we are NOW the teachers that we onced looked up to when WE were in 5th grade! que loco!

    love you lots Christina Maria!
