Saturday, December 22, 2007

Boys Singing, Boys Playing

A fun bit of Christmas Cheer...

[This is Indiana University's male a capella group, Straight No Chaser, check out their other songs on Youtube, such as "Africa"-- this will make the ending of "the 12 Days of Christmas" make sense.]

I want my boys to sing like this! Speaking of which, I played a clip of the Winchester Boys Choir singing Christmas hymns for my 5th and 6th graders...the looks of incredulity on those boys' faces was AMAZING! "Those are NOT boys, Mrs. Szrama!" "They've got girls in there, I hear them!" And then wen I smiled and said, "Listen- here they go up higher!," their eyes got even rounder, which I didn't think possible. I'm trying to teach them that, yes, boys really DO sing high before 8th grade!! They think they can't sing high, but if I don't tell them it's high, they can do it! So many boys are shy about singing, but I've never met any grown-up boy who was glad he'd never learned how. People go nuts when boys sing!!

Anyway, Ryan & I are safely in Ruston, LA, and Ryan's been introduced to the ranch, the Thing, my great-grandma, and all the Thompson Clan traditions. Tomorrow my Dad & I will sing at Temple Baptist Church here in town; I'm looking forward to singing with my Daddy again. Ryan's been a hit with the boys (my 3 cousins); he came dressed for breakfast in a Power Rangers mask, tennis arm band, cap, and carrying a huge Batman doll. They loved that, as you can imagine. They're such sweet boys that they'd have loved just about anybody. But Ryan is such a great fit for them-- I mean, they are so much like he & his brothers growing up: loving being outside, fantasy, Legos, video games, books, board games, trampolines, and being active in general. Just boys. Good boys-- polite, excitable, sweet, and full of energy. My Aunt Anne's done a wonderful job with them...and God has been so gracious. May He give Ryan & I such boys in a few years!!

Til later (And more sure to come!),

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