Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hola de Catalunya!!

We are in Barcelona! (as in Spain, not Kentucky)

The flights were all great, and though it took us many steps lugging heavy bags and being confused by indirect signs all over the Metro, we finally made it to our apartment, and met 2 of the 4 guys we're sharing it with; Phillipe (from France), another guy from Hungary, Barosh, and then 2 more guys- Shakur and Nic- from the UK came in late last night...then found an Irish pub and didn't get back until 5 am. So, yes, I'm the only female. :)

We had crazy turbulence on the last flight from Holland-- while Ryan was in the bathroom, lol!! I'm working on reading The Princess and the Goblin (George MacDonald; the guy who wrote "The Lost Princess") which you would love! Ryan bought us Tolkien's latest-released Children of Hurin as a wedding gift, and we're about 1/3 of the way in and loving it.

Last night (Tuesday-- where did Monday go?) we went over to Drupalcon Families & Spouses (I think the official name was "Non-Geeky Partners" lol) Get-together hosted by Moshe and Amy. They're from Boston, and we met a couple (Simon & Caitlyn) from Australia, another from Augusta, GA (Amy &... a redhead), and several others. It was great for Ryan-- he knows a lot of those guys from online chats and forums, but has never met them in person. He loves meeting all these fellow Drupal-ers!! I did enjoy meeting the other wives; they were very kind and friendly towards me. I plan to do some sightseeing and shopping with them throughout our stay here. Amy from GA is actually coming over at 2 this afternoon to use our internet. I'm supposed to email Caitlyn. But I am not feeling well at all-- EVERYTHING aches. Ryan & I didn't sleep well on the plane and then were on our feet carrying our bags all afternoon, and then walking all evening. Both of us were fighting sore throats before we came, you know how it goes... Anyway we're AirBorning and Adviling and watering it up. I'm trying to find good stuff for us to eat (looking up all the words that might mean GLUTENOUS SUBSTANCE WITHIN in Spanish)-- our apt.'s in a great location; two blocks from La Sagrada Familia (famous Neo-Gothic cathedral designed by the architect Gaudi)! I can hear the hour chime. Keeps me knowing what time it is, not that it really matters around here. Ryan & the guys set off a while ago to find their conference... I'm taking it easy today and will be planning stuff to do and researching neat places to eat or visit. We both love the city, though I will appreciate it more when I'm not walking the last kilometer of a 36 hour day. :D

SO, part of me would like to just keep to myself all day every day, except for going to see stuff and be with Ryan, but none of the others here that we've met are believers, and the Gospel presses hard on me. Last night Ryan & I talked aboout how it can be difficult to be openly and genuinely a Christian in an intellectual European environment. I KNOW they think I'm just a young goody-goody newly-wed. It hits us both hard, I think Ryan especially in some ways because he IS so smart, is here as a professional, and wants to be respected as such. Please pray for both of us. Already there are openings for more explicit Gospel conversations, stemming from questions asked and answered last night. So, yeah-- pray!!

My Spanish is serving us well, though at first I kept trying Italian, lol. As are my street-smarts (HAH); well, I have more of them in Europe than Ryan does, lol. So far we've exchanged money, used a pay phone, gotten change, bought groceries, read the metro and train lines successfully, and walked about a million steps. I'll post pictures soon. I'm suprised to see I can read the Catalan (Dialect spoken in 'Catlunya' or the Province of Barcelona)! It really is just Spanish & French jumbled up. And my thoughts are now all jumbled up. Yummm! I smell paella cooking from somewhere nearby...and I hear a lively soccer game on the roof of the school behind us!

Hasta luego!

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