Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Books Illustrated

It would seem that Jacqui and I have developed a habit of illustrating photographically the books on engagement/marriage which I'm currently reading. And being otherwise random, hehehe...

Here we were imitating the cover of Wilson's book Reforming Marriage. Great book, but the cover leaves one somewhat doubting the book's effectiveness. We hope the couple on the front is in need of a reformed marriage, not the result of one!! They're either so completely bored with each other that they've fallen asleep, or so utterly overworked that they can't sit down without collapsing. Either way...not so much my ideal for marriage! :)

The following could constitute a photographic tutorial in how to subtly show-off a hypothetical (engagement) ring. The ideas are from Dazzled to Frazzled and Back Again, by Ginger Kolbaba. It was a gift from my Mommy, which we have greatly enjoyed, and which I highly reccomend! :)

The famous and effective "Adjusting my contact" technique

"Pondering deeply and often"

"Just tucking my hair behing my ears"

last but not least: "Becoming easily and overwhelmingly excited"

Oh. That's just Jacqui being random. :)
Engagement showers do strange things to you.

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