Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sustained by More Than Licorice

...if you thought that looked like the makings of an interesting title...

so did I.

I had a whole, nice, long, thought-out, re-vised post...which completely disappeared when I left my computer. Gone forever. I will try to re-create it...but I can't tonight.

I haven't forgotten, though, even if it's taken me a little longer than I'd hoped! Aren't you glad God ALWAYS keeps HIS promises, all the way!??


  1. Hehehehe. Love the title. Hate the loss of the blog post. Can relate to the thrill of a good title and the frustration of a lost post. Oh well. Win some, lose some.

  2. And she gets onto me for trying to weasel out of posting. At least I'm not making up stories to get out of doing it! I just say it like it is... tag doesn't apply to everyone.

  3. Christina, hope you're still going to post your list of favorite love songs. I made the beer bread, and it was really good. Thanks again for the recipe.
