Tuesday, August 22, 2006

For Real Now, Y'all

I just saw a picture of my friend Tara's which reminded me of a vow I made. Ok, not a vow per se... more of an item on my "to do before I die" list. I want to hike the entire AT-- Appalachian Trail. Yep. From top to bottom, north to south, start to finish. Inspired by my friend the crazy mountain-man, Jack (Patrick), I've been dreaming of it since December...and over Spring Break several of us worked out how it could be done in a summer (which is all I'll ever have off as a teacher or student). However, in Louisville, both in the mountains and away from them, I forgot... driving back through them, seeing the apple and peach stands all the way down the mountain (25 towards Furman) last week... smelling the wood-burning that hails the approach of Fall... remembering the Blue Ridge Autumn in all her resplendant glory... yeah. I'm gonna do the Trail one day.

(also on my List is learning to pour concrete, fly a plane, wire a house, horseback ride across Iceland, learn Greek & Hebrew, write a children's story, and visit all the countries that start with I, among other things. I already did check off "learning to drive a manual transmission," as Kaje, D-Sapp, and Nicole can attest. Tollbooths+ MackTrucks +rolling backwards+badly-tossed-change + Mom on the phone+ Minnesota...ahh the memories...)

Doesn't anyone else have such lists?? What are some items on y'alls? There is so MUCH we can do in our lives! Retirement with shell collections and golfing just seems so... tame! We are God's Image- Bearers!! There is dominion to be won! There is a Kingdom to advance, a whole world to explore! May all be done to God for glory!


  1. Kill a bear with my bare hands... eat it and make it a rug.

  2. I just have to ask...what's the attraction to pouring concrete?

  3. P.S. Isn't that a rather "manly" thing to do? ;)

  4. OH.. .and I think going to Russia and adopting a russian or chineese (sp) child.... but.... i have to be honest, I can't say i have a huge list...or at least a formal one... I'll start thinking about that... and writting them down, Christina.... thanks for the idea... and the push to dream a little.

  5. I just love your passion for life and your zeal that you seem to ALWAYS have! IT really does encourage me after a "down" day yesterday, thanks! I will have to put my mind to a list, the only thing I can think of I wanted to do was see an island and crystal blue water and that was accomplished on our honeymoon! You are right we should live our life in such a manner thanks for holding us accountable to that!

  6. oh yes-- international Asian adoption (Chinese at least) is a given for me, too =D

    And I just want to be able to pour concrete so I could build a house or school or clinic in a 3rd-world country if/when I'm living there. I think it's very HANDY...not manly. ;D
